1.1. PAYUK DMITRY ZINOVIEVICH is the Individual Entrepreneur and Auction organizer, hereinafter referred to as "Organizer" or Auction House "Vinyl Bazar". Trades

are held only within the Auction House and only on his behalf.1.2. The Auction House "Vinyl Bazar" in its activities is guided by these rules and regulations and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.1.3. The Auction House acts as an agent of the Seller. The agent acts on his own behalf and at the Seller's expense.1.4. The Seller at the auction may be capable individuals who have reached the age of 18, or legal entities hereinafter referred to as the "Seller".1.5. Any and all amendments to these terms are valid when made in writing and signed by both Parties.


CLAUSES POINTS2.1. The Seller's desire to sell his item at the Auction is the condition for the beginning of the interaction. To the effect the form in the “Sell” section on the website must befilled out.2.2. The Organizer considers the received information and decides on its sale. The Organizer evaluates, describes the content and condition of the item. The price can benegotiated with the Seller, but the final decision is made by the experts of the Auction House. No statement in case of refusal to process the item for the auction is provided.2.3. When the item is accepted the Contract-servicing is drawn for the subject to be on care and custody of Organizer until transferred to a new owner or returned to the Seller if not sold. The Organizer is held accountable for the item in the amount of the appraised value for the entire period of the subject's possession.2.4 The Seller remains fully responsible for the legal compliance of the subject in accordance with the Russian legislation.2.5. The Organizer autonomously takes the item's photographs, describes it and at his deems exposes at whichever auction he will sell it.2.6. Prior the upcoming auction the Seller receives an acceptance list of the enrolled items.2.7. When the item is sold at the auction and is paid in full, approximately in 3 (three) weeks the Seller is sent a sales report and money is transferred to his bank account.2.8. In case of Buyer's cancelling of transaction, the Organizer declares the sales for this lot invalid and, at his discretion, may expose it for other auctions, or return it to theSeller.2.9. The Organizer may return the unsold item to the Seller or expose it to the next auctions with a starting price decrease by 50% (fifty percent).
FINANCIAL CLAUSES5.1. The Organizer's commission for the Seller is 15% of the auction's final price, but not less than 500 (five hundred) rubles from each item. The commission rate is reflected in the sales report that the Seller receives.5.2. No other Organizer's costs are paid by the Seller.5.3. The funds are received by bank transfer to Seller's bank or card account and are impossible in cash payment.5.4. In case of the Buyer's reneging on a deal for the justified reasons, and according to the rules, the Seller must return to the Organizer money for the item for further payment to the Buyer, and the Organizer must return the item to the Seller.


HANDING OVER6.1. All items are transferred to the Auction House by the Seller himself and at his own expense. The place and time of delivery the Seller must coordinate with the AuctionHouse in advance.6.2. The unsold item is taken out by the Seller himself and at his own expense. The place and time of receipt the Organizer must coordinated with the Seller in advance.6.3. The Seller receives a refund notice upon the returned item.6.4. In case the item is not collected within 14 (fourteen) days, 200 (two hundred) rubles per day is charged for its storage. The Seller can pick up the item only after paying the storage bill.
STATE AND AUTHENTICITY OF SUBJECTS7.1. The Seller is fully responsible for authenticity and legal compliance of the subject, in case of sustained loss the Organizer may apply to the court for moral and materialdamage compensation in accordance with current Russian legislation.7.2. The Organizer sells the Seller's item at the current condition and is not engaged in repair, restoration or other activities related to the state of the item.
GUARANTEES8.1. The Auction House "Vinyl Bazar" is obliged to use all reasonable care to providethe Seller with reliable information on the items offered for sale.8.2. The Auction House "Vinyl Bazar" guarantees the secrecy security of information about Seller's sold lots and their value, as well as Seller's personal data.