VAYA CON DIOS-TIME FLIES-1992-FIRST PRESS UK/EU-BMG-7432110896-1. Rare original popular rock group. Time Flies is the third Studio album by Vaya Con Dios, which at the moment were mostly female group. Even more than previous albums, this is a melancholic album and is more focused on Blues and soul. The reason for the topic is that Vaya Con Dios was mainly the partnership of Dani Klein and Dirk Supsa, and in 1991 the pair fell heavily. May 24, 1991, Sups, who was only 29 years old, died of a cocktail of drugs, drugs and alcohol.The album is very well established in Europe, taking first place in Switzerland [2] and received platinum certification in four countries, eventually proving to be the most successful Vaya Con Dios album.Time Flies was the first album from Vaya Con Dios, who ended the song in French. In 1993 Vaya Con Dios went on their first world tour.
Vinyl in top condition - NMINT/ARCHIVE Cover vinyl condition: NMINT/ARCHIVE Labels clean - NMINT/ARCHIVE
Lot sold: 3700 ₽
AC/DC-BLOW UP YOUR VIDEO-1988-FIRST PRESS UK/EU-GERMANY-ATLANTIC - 781828-1/WX144. Rare original cult album. Blow Up Your Video is the eleventh Studio album by Australian hard rock band AC/DC, first released on 18 January 1988. He was later released in the US on 1 February 1988. The album became the best-selling album with new material since the release of the For Who About to Rock We Salute You received Platinum status in the United States. Blow Up Your Video reached No. 2 in Britain and No. 12 in the USA. ...more
Lot sold: 2400 ₽
Estimate: 3000—4000 ₽
BLOOD, SWEAT & TEARS-CHILD IS FATHER TO THE MAN-1968-FIRST UK PRESS-CBS-S63296 . Matrix A-2/B-2. Very rare original cult British prog - jazz-rock group. Child Is Father to the Man is the debut album by the group Blood, Sweat & Tears , released in February 1968 . It peaked at number 47 on the Billboard pop albums of Billboard in the United States. ...more
Lot is not sold
Estimate: 8000—10000 ₽
GABRIEL, PETER-SO-1986-UK FIRST PRESS-VIRGIN- PG5-1. Rare British original.So — most successful album in the career of Gabriel, he reached the top of the British chart, and became #2 in the United States. In the UK, the CD was certified three times platinum in the U.S. — five times. Rolling Stone magazine put it at 14th place in its list of "the 100 best albums of the eighties" ...more
Lot is not sold
Estimate: 4000—5000 ₽