STING-DREAM OF THE BLUE TURTLES-1985-FIRST UK PRESS-A&M DREAM1 room. Rare British original debut solo album from legendary British rock musician. The track "RUSSIANS" got all the charts, and STING became a celebrity.
Vinyl in top condition - NMINT/ARCHIVE . Matt cover in fantastic condition - NMINT/ARCHIVE Labels are in top condition - NMINT/ARCHIVE
Lot sold: 2200 ₽
ENIGMA-MCMXC a.D.-1990-FIRST PRESS UK/EU GERMANY-VIRGIN - 211-209. Mega rare original cult album. MCMXC a.D.- debut and most popular album of the project Enigma, released in 1990. Reaching the # 1 position in 41 countries, he collected 57 platinum awards-including triple platinum in the United States, where he remained the ranking of the albums on the Billboard 200 for five years. ...more
Lot sold: 3100 ₽
Estimate: 4500—5500 ₽
MCCARTNEY, PAUL-PIPES OF PEACE-1983-FIRST UK PRESS-PARLOPHONE - PCTC1652301 .Pipes of Peace (Rus. Peace pipe) — the fifth solo Studio album Paul McCartney, released in 1983. Being produced after which enjoyed great success album, Tug of War, Pipes of Peace was received by the public is also quite good and many songs from it became hits, but music critics have made the album much cooler than a Tug of War..When the album was released, many critics noted that Pipes of Peace is similar to its predecessor, the album Tug of War, in many ways. The album was also produced by George Martin; the album was attended by the two songs created in collaboration with the same artist (in a Tug of War — with Stevie wonder; this time the co-author was Michael Jackson); continued cooperation with Ringo Starr, ex-guitarist of the band "10cc" Eric Stewart; in the recording of the material (but last) was attended by Denny lane. The reason for all this was that many of the songs on the album, was recorded in 1981 during the recording sessions for an album Tug of War; the rest ("Pipes of Peace", "The Other Me", "So Bad", "Tug of Peace" and "Through Our Love") was recorded later, in September and October 1982. In November 1982, McCartney began to make a film on his own script, "Give my regards to broad street" (eng. Give My Regards to Broad Street), where he also starred in the lead role along with Linda, Ringo Starr and Tracey Ullman; the shooting of the film took almost all of his time throughout 1983. Because I'm too busy with filming (and for reasons to pause after the release of the previous album), the release of Pipes of Peace was delayed until October 1983. ...more
Lot sold: 3500 ₽
Estimate: 3500—4500 ₽